Updated: Menú Semanal de las Palabras de Ortografia/Weekly Spelling Menu


Menú Tarea Semanal de Ortografía

Weekly Spelling Homework Menu

Lunes/Monday: Escribir una oración con las primeras 9 palabras../Write a sentence for  the first 9 words in the list.

Underline each spelling word used in the sentence.

Martes/Tuesday:   Escribir una oración con las palabras del 10 al 18 de la lista. /Write a sentence with the next 9 words of the Speliing list (words 10-18).

Miércoles/Wed.: Organizar las palabras en orden alfabético/Organize  words in ABC order.

Jueves/Thursday: Estudie para la dictado mañana. Study for Spelling Test.

Viernes/Friday: No tarea/HW.   ¡Tengan todos un buen fin de semana!

Más practica adicional disponible en edhelper.com - Spelling Games./ More practice activities available @ edhelper.com – Go toSpelling Games” log in using my email address given to  the student in class. Search and select list by title of the story we are reading in class.


  • Please encourage the child to use his/her best handwriting (proper spacing, capitals, punctuation marks, and neatness.
  • One notebook will be used to do the Spelling Homework. No loose papers. Don’t forget to write the date in Spanish.